Meet Johan Ferreira, our Member of the Month!
How has your experience been with MINT?
Joined early in 2017 and have had a blast! There are so many things that make MINT special – the friendly smiles when one walks in; the capable, enthusiastic instructors; the camaraderie among fellow fitness enthusiasts; a strong cup of coffee after a hard workout on a wintry morning … it all combines to make MINT a very special place.
Fitness goals and how you have started working your way towards them?
I want to maintain good overall fitness to stay healthy, energetic, and keep up with my students (I teach marketing to large classes of rather lively millennials at GWU)! To me, the key to enduring fitness is to find something you love to do and then to keep at it, always challenging yourself to go just a little further with every workout … and then to accept that Liz (or Brooke or James or Roger or Braegan or Gabe or …) will push you to go a LOT further with every workout!
How is your personal training experience (if working with a trainer)?
I have not engaged a personal trainer yet, but I’ve heard they’re fantastic!
Classes you like?
This will sound like a cliché, but I love them all! I’ve done Barre, Flex, Fuze, and Power Playground (Burn, HIIT, and TRX Bootcamp) – you get something different from every class. When all is said and done, I find Power Playground irresistible because the MINT instructors just have a way of mixing things up so you’re always learning more about ways in which to challenge yourself. And what would a day really be without an inchworm, burpee, plank, mountain climber, or two? 🙂