As joyful and festive as the holiday season can be, this time of year can also come with a lot of stress. During times of high stress and anxiety, it’s important to continue prioritizing “me time” and find positive ways to manage your stress. According to a recent ADAA (Anxiety & Depression Association of America) online poll, some 14% of people make use of regular exercise to cope with stress.
We all know that regular exercise increases your overall physical health and has the ability to help fight disease but studies have shown that movement has some direct stress-busting benefits. Physical activity helps to bump up the production of your brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters, called endorphins. These endorphins can often serve as natural painkillers. Consistent exercise encourages your brain to regularly release these endorphins, improve sleep, help with self-esteem, and decrease overall levels of tension which can have a positive effect on your quality of life.
Yoga and meditation specifically can help improve circulation, flexibility, and core strength. Cardio such as our Power Playground, Rowing, and Cycle classes are great for your heart and lungs and can improve blood flow. Participating in group exercises can help reduce stress through socialization and creating connections with other members.
Ultimately, the choice is yours as to which form of exercise is most effective for you to reduce stress – it could even be a combination of many things! The important thing to remember is that you don’t need to commit to several hours a day to exercise in order to see the benefits. Moving your body, whether it is in a group fitness class, in the gym, or going for a walk for 30 minutes several times a week is a great start. Need some guidance? We recommend checking out our class schedule which offers a variety of class types, both in-person and virtual.