Working from home a lot these days? Do you find yourself moving far less and sitting still a lot more? Sometimes a small bit of movement can help us refresh in a big way. Even a short yoga practice can help reset your thinking and make the most of breaks in the middle of a sedentary workday. And one of the great things about working from home is that you’re most likely already in comfortable clothes that would be easier to stretch in.
We met with our long-time yoga instructor Ferdaouis Bagga who shared five poses for you to enjoy in five minutes in between meetings.
- Easy Seat – Start in a comfortable seat on the floor, close your eyes, relax your shoulders, take 3 to 5 deep breaths, and gently circle your head around one way, then the other.
- Seated Twist – Stretch your legs out in front of you; bend your right knee and cross your right leg over the left leg so that your foot rests on the floor, sit up tall, hug your knee in, and twist to the right; gently untwist and repeat on the other side.
- Downward Dog with Movement – Plant your hands about shoulder-width apart on the floor and bring your feet hip-width apart, find an inverted-V shape with your body, pressing your chest back toward your legs; bend your right knee deeply while keeping the other leg straight, then alternate legs.
- Chair Pose – Come up to standing, bend your knees, sit back in an imaginary chair, and reach your arms up.
- Eagle Pose – From chair pose, wrap your right arm under your left arm, lift your right leg over your left leg, find balance for 3 breaths, unwind your arms and legs and take a standing backbend, then return to chair pose, take the opposite binds; move into another standing backbend or big standing stretch to end!
No need to work up a sweat for these either! Just pause for a few deep breaths in each pose and move slowly to transition to the next one.
These poses can help release tension in your back, neck, and shoulders, and foster focus and attention to the breath. Feel free to be creative and modify! And if you feel like it, record yourself taking this five-minute mini yoga break and tag us on Instagram @MINTGymStudio to inspire others to get up and get moving!