Bresni started working at MINT in December 2011 as a concierge at MINT Downtown. Over the years, Bresni has taken on several roles at MINT that has helped expand her knowledge within the fitness industry. Bresni’s vast experience, friendly personality, and go-getter attitude are all things that make her an incredible General Manager. She recognizes that it takes a village and she is incredibly appreciative of the amazing MINT team that she has had the pleasure of working with.
When asked what the favorite part of her job is she responded with “I love building relationships with both the staff and members.” Since re-opening in June 2020 Bresni has had the pleasure of getting to know several long-term members and new members in a more meaningful way. She loves seeing the excitement of members who have not been back to MINT since March 2020 and are ready to get back to their routine. It is truly a special moment to witness and it’s something she never gets tired of.
She shared that the staff and MINT’s genuinely friendly and caring approach is what makes MINT truly unique! It’s not typical to have one on one connections and personal greetings between members and staff whether it’s checking in to the gym, coming in to take a class, or meeting with their trainer. This has always been part of MINT’s foundation since its inception and continues to be an essential part of MINT to ensure everyone who walks into MINT feels included, welcomed, and safe.
Even with our masks on, you can guarantee that there’s a smile behind them. Next time you see Bresni in the gym feel free to introduce yourself and say hello!