Like many of us, you probably set some ambitious goals a the start of the new year — namely to live a healthier life and perhaps to lose a few pounds. The easy part is setting your mind to do it, the hard part is to stick with it past the second week of January! Here are a few tips that may make it easier, keep you motivated, and help get you to where you want to be.
1. Visualize your goals
What is driving you to lose some weight (a big event, a healthier you, a dress or pants you don’t get in to anymore)? Write down what your motivation is and make it visible. Post it on your fridge, make a background image for your phone, post-its on your desk… what ever is best for you to remind yourself why you set these goals and why you want to stick with it!
2. Keep track
There is no secret that writing things down helps you be aware of what you are doing (ie. eating).
Some studies show that those who keep track of their dietary intake actually loose 20-30% more than those who don’t. You can go as simple as just keeping a daily log/diary to using the plethora of apps out there to help you along. If you have a Fitbit, their apps has a great food tracker.
Lose It is another great app and it syncs with Apple Health and other programs such as iCardio. It’s also fun to get badges for the progress you are making along the way. Calorie Count is another one I have used in the past and would recommend.

Lose It is another great app and it syncs with Apple Health and other programs such as iCardio. It’s also fun to get badges for the progress you are making along the way. Calorie Count is another one I have used in the past and would recommend.
In the spirit of keeping track, if you don’t have a food scale, get one! For $15 or less, you will be able to get a much better sense of portion sizes, and be less tempted to guesstimate how much you are eating.
3. See short and long term
Don’t beat yourself up if come mid January you have a dinner and end up eating/drinking way more than your new year’s resolution plan allows. That doesn’t mean you should just give up. Everyone has set backs and these should empower you to get back on track and move forward, not throw up your hands in defeat. I find that setting some short term goals as well as a longer term one, helps me feel that I am moving along even if a week here or here may not have been that great.
It’s only January and you have a full year of possibilities in front you —make the most of them.