A few weeks ago I took my first Barre class ever. I know, as popular as the format is at MINT, this was long overdue. As a guy who has been lifting since age 14, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I love yoga, so figured that gave me some level of preparation, which turned out to be accurate, somewhat.
I was the only guy in a class of about 12, but it didn’t feel intimidating, mainly because Kathryn was very welcoming of everyone and the other participants were, thankfully, more into their own workouts than concerning themselves with the dude who felt a little out of place. That feeling quickly disappeared as we started; the class kept moving which is always my preference. Because each move was well explained, following along was straightforward, and although the work was definitely not easy, having a weight training background was an asset.
This was NOT ballet! The angles at which my legs and body moved were unfamiliar, challenging deep muscle fibers in a new way, and proving much more of a core workout that I anticipated. My legs were literally shaking by the end, a humbling experience after having squatted over 400lbs years ago. Like yoga did years ago, I can see how Barre as a program can continue to expand its reach to attract a large variety of those seeking diverse fitness experiences.